At Anti Filthy Human Club, we are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. When you visit our website www.antifilthyhumanclub.com (the "Site"), owned and operated by Initial Friends LLC. ("AFHC," "Anti Filthy,” "we," "us," or "our"), we ensure any information that we collect is safe and secure.

We published this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”)  to help you understand:

  • When and why we collect information from you
  • How we use the data that we collect
  • Who we share your data with and why
  • What your rights are concerning any personal data we collect


We are dedicated to limiting the amount of personal information that we collect. We define "Personal Information" as information like your name or email that can be used to personally identify you. Personal information will be collected only if you voluntarily submit it to our partners or us.


  • When You Create an Account
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
  • When You Place an Order
    • Full Name
    • E-mail address
    • Phone Number
    • Credit card number (we do not store this information)
    • Shipping Address
    • Billing Address
    • Purchase Order
  • When You Contact Customer Service
    • Full Name
    • Email Address
    • Record of Live Chat or Email Messages
  • When You Submit a Product Review
    • Full Name
    • User Submitted Images/Videos (when applicable)

When we run a contest or sweepstakes, we will often gather personal information when you enter. Each contest or sweepstakes will include a set of rules, which you can access before and after you enter. These rules will specify how the information gathered from you for entry will be used and disclosed, if it is different than as described in this Policy. 


In addition to Personal Information, we may gather information about your use of our Website ("Usage Information"). Usage information is often viewed as total "traffic data," an aggregate view of everyone's behavior when using our website in a certain time frame. This information - on its own - cannot be used to identify you like personal information.

We view and analyze usage data in order to improve our website, personalize your experience, and ensure your time on our site is as frictionless as possible.


  • the IP address of your computer
  • the type of browser software that you are using
  • the dates and times that you access our website
  • the website address that linked you to our site, if applicable
  • other data about how you navigate and use our site (i.e. where you click)


    We use “cookies,” small files that your browser stores on your computer’s hard drive, in order for our site to recognize you during individual and repeat visits to our website.

    Cookies allow us to enhance your shopping experience with features such as holding items in your cart between site visits. We recommend you leave cookies enabled, but most browser allow you to disable them if you choose.


      If you give us your contact information and your consent, we may send you updates and/or marketing messages via the following channels: email, text message (SMS), push notification, or Facebook Messenger.

      All marketing messages that you receive from us will contain a clearly communicated method for how to unsubscribe from future messages via that channel. For example, both email and text (SMS) messages will have an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each message.

      If you have any trouble unsubscribing from marketing messages, please contact us at info@antifilthyhumanclub.com. We will ensure that your consent is revoked and that you are successfully opted-out of any future messages.


      We do not trade, sell or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties without informing you in advance in accordance with applicable data protection laws.  Your data may be transferred to our web site hosting partners and other parties to assist us in designing and operating the website, executing services (eg. product fulfillment) or help analyze collected data.

      When you visit or shop on our site, we may share information about you to improve your overall experience including your shopping experience. We contract with service providers to maintain and manage our customer information, including credit card processing, shipping, name and address verification, email distribution, market research and promotions management.

      We provide these companies with only the information they need to perform their services and work closely with them to ensure that your privacy is respected and protected. These companies are prohibited by contract from using this information for their own marketing purposes or from sharing this information with anyone other than AFHC.

      We generally do not authorize any of these service providers to make any other use of your information. In addition, when we partner with another company to offer or provide products, services, contests or promotions, we may compare our customer list with theirs to identify our common customers. AFHC and its marketing partners may use that information to fulfill our respective obligations to you and for future promotional activities.


      Our site may contain links to other websites, for which this policy does not apply.  These links take you outside our service and off the AFHC website. This includes links from partners that may use AFHC's logo as part of a co-branding agreement or sell AFHC products. 

      Any website that we link to has their own separate privacy policy and although we seek to protect the integrity of our site, AFHC is not responsible and cannot be held liable for the content and activities of these sites. Your visit to these sites is therefore entirely at your own risk. Please note that these other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data or solicit personal information.


      You have a number of rights to ensure your privacy and the security of your data:

      • The right to know the extent of information we collect and where it is used
      • The right to have your information corrected or completed if inaccurate
      • The right to have your information deleted
      • The right to restrict how we use and process your information
      • The right to request we copy or transfer your information to you or a third party
      • The right to object to your information being processed by us
      • The right to withdraw consent for any consent-based processing (like receiving marketing messages) at any time
      • The right to complain to your country’s data protection regulator

      If you are a California resident, as per the CCPA, we will provide you with the following information within 45 days of your request

      • The categories of personal information that we have collected about you
      • The categories of sources of personal information that we have collected about you
      • Our business or commercial purpose for collecting your personal information
      • The categories of any third parties with whom we share your personal information
      • The specific pieces of personal information we've collected about you


      If you choose to exercise any of the above rights, we will not:

      • Deny you goods or services
      • Charge you different prices for goods or services
      • Provide you with a different level or quality of goods or services
      • Threaten you with any of the above


      You can contact us at info@antifilthyhumanclub.com with any questions or concerns regarding your personal information. We will act to fulfill your request to the full extent of your rights.

      You may only make a request for access or data portability twice within a 12-month period. The verifiable consumer request must:

      • Provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information or an authorized representative.
      • Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.

      Children's Policy

      AFHC does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children under 13.


      By using our site, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This is our entire Privacy Policy and it supersedes any earlier version. We may change our Privacy Policy by posting a new version of the Policy on this page.

      Policy Last Updated: 7/17/2020

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